Become a Certified Paid Traffic Master:2019-2020 Edition

Become a Certified Paid Traffic Master:2019-2020 Edition

Learn the secret strategies for driving quality traffic from platforms like Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Instagram in this completely revamped Mastery Course

➢ What You’ll Learn:

  • How to Build A Successful Ad Campaign:
Watch step-by-step “deep dive” videos on how to build successful ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube. Discover the five elements of a high converting paid traffic campaign and how you can leverage them to send thousands of leads to your business.

  • The Metrics That Matter (and the ones that don’t):
Learn to analyze the metrics that actually matter so that you can “trim the fat” from your campaigns and scale without accruing extra costs. Quit wasting time analyzing numbers that are useless to your bottom line.

  • A Brand New Dive Deep Into The Facebook Ad Platform :
As a marketer, our job is to meet the customers where they already are. And where they already are is Facebook. With well over 2 BILLION daily active users, Facebook is the premier platform for marketers to mine leads and sell products and services. Facebook advertising expert Molly Pittman will walk you through the ins and outs of the platform and show you EXACTLY how to design ad campaigns that generate results for your business… fast.

  • The 3-Step Automated Traffic System:
Build an automated traffic system that generates leads and sales for your business 24 hours a day. Learn all about the ever-important “traffic temperature” and how media buying is actually like an in-person relationship.

  • Become Certified in Paid Traffic Mastery and Discover A Repeatable System For Generating New Leads and Customers…
World-renowned YouTube advertising expert, Tom Breeze, shows you how to master video advertising so that you can drive more leads, more sales, and increase ROI on your campaigns.
Leading Google AdWords Authority, Mike Rhodes, takes you step-by-step through the ins and outs of how to use Google AdWords to effectively grow your customer base and drive conversions.
Brand New Examples of winning ads so that you can model your own ads after PROVEN campaigns and continually crank out winning campaigns.
Think you’ll have to take extensive notes to pass the exam? Think again. Each module includes a comprehensive notes section that you can reference before, during, and after the quizzes.
Create a customer avatar for your ideal client or customer so that you can cater your messaging to better target leads that are more likely to buy your product or service.
Track your campaign’s progress and success by establishing conversion metrics that actually matter to you, your business, and your bottom line.
Learn advanced retargeting strategies and how you can leverage multiple touch points on high-value leads to to maximize your efforts on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Google.
Identify your prospect’s core buying emotion to write an ad that triggers their deepest desires with hard-hitting copy that moves them to take action…
Determine your prospect’s “traffic temperature” and use it to create ads that seize attention and speak directly to “the conversation in their head.”
Discover how to structure ad copy for ANY company or industry, with show-and-tell samples from e-commerce, B2B, B2C, and more.
Carefully Construct a completely automated traffic system that generates leads and sales for your business 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Follow step-by-step instructions on how to build multiple successful ad campaigns on on “the Big 4” traffic platforms.
Discover the secret to scaling your campaign once you have a winner so you can build MASSIVE subscriber lists while avoiding the ad fatigue that can lead to increased click costs.

Modules List:

  • Getting Started
  • Core Concepts
  • Crafting Your Campaign Assets
  • Facebook Deep Dive
  • Troubleshooting, Optimizing, & Scaling
  • Google Ads with Mike Rhodes
  • YouTube Ads with Tom Breeze
  • LinkedIn
  • Troubleshoot the ads you’re already running without having to waste valuable time and energy starting over from scratch.

Worth: 495$ / ~37k Rs.
Size: 4.1GB

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